Why Self Reflection Is Key For Mindful Eating

Why Self Reflection Is Key For Mindful Eating

By: Sanders Legendre

One of the defining traits of humans is the ability to learn, adapt, and change our thinking. None of that would be possible without Self Reflection.

Without Self Reflection we cannot change our outcomes or check to see if we are moving towards our goals.

So if you want to change something about the way that you eat it makes sense that Self Reflection would be one part of the process.

So when you eat mindfully you need self reflection to be able to analyze and observe your current eating behaviors and find the things that you need to change.

Self Reflection is one of the most important components to mindful eating. In this post I will explain what self-reflection is and why it is such an integral part of mindful eating.

What Is Self Reflection?

Self Reflection "is taking the time to think about, meditate on, evaluate, and give serious thought to your behaviors, thoughts, attitudes, motivations, and desires."

Self Reflection is one of the pillars of mindfulness and mindful eating. Mindfulness is all about becoming aware of your thoughts and actions and without self reflection that would not be possible. Self Reflection is such an important part of mindfulness that without Self Reflection there would be no mindfulness.

If you want to make a change in your life or commit to personal growth then self reflection is a necessary part of the process.

Without self-reflection we wouldn't know if anything is going right or wrong in our life which means we would not be likely to change anything.

In the distracted world that we live in today it is more important than ever to make self reflection a part of your daily life.

There are levels to the type of self-reflection that you can do which can be large scale or small scale.

Self Reflection on a large scale is seeing what direction your life is headed in and whether that aligns with the goals that you have. Self Reflection helps you stay on track because if you are doing something wrong, you can recognize it and change something if necessary.

Self Reflection on a small scale is about analyzing a single event in your life. Self Reflection on a small scale can be something as simple as changing your morning routine.

An immense amount of value can be gained for your life when you learn to make Self Reflection a part of it. This is why many athletes and top performers attribute meditation to their level of success.

Why Is Self Reflection Important

Self Reflection has certain benefits such as:

Those benefits that you get from Self Reflection are amplified when you combine it with Mindful Eating.

With Mindful Eating you consider the thoughts and feelings that you have around food. Combine that with Self Reflection and you can learn to actually control those thoughts and feelings that you have about food.

This is why mindful eating is one of the treatment options that doctors use to treat eating disorders. Once you become aware that you have a problem with food, you can use self reflection to improve your situation.

Without Self Reflection we would keep repeating the same behavior over and over again. We don’t take the time to pause and think about our actions.

We can’t even find out what we need to change. Self Reflection is an important part of being human and being effective at Self Reflection will help you live a better, more meaningful life.

How To Self Reflect

Self Reflection is all about asking yourself the right questions and giving your mind space to find the answer.

When you are distracted by something going on in the world you might not be able to find the answer that you are looking for.

It is important when you self reflect to do so in an environment where you can truly focus.

Self Reflection can happen in the form of journaling, meditation, or a deep conversation.

Journaling can be a form of self-reflection when you take the time to write down what you did on the day. But it takes more than just recalling what you did during the day to be considered self-reflection. An important part of self reflection is asking questions and judging your own actions. That should be included whenever you journal.

Meditation is defined as simply the process of becoming fully aware of your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. This can look like a conversation that you have with yourself in your head. It could also be an official meditation practice such as the six phase meditation.


A conversation that you would have with a therapist or a friend is one example of a conversation you can have while Self Reflecting. The benefit of this method is that you can get feedback from others to find answers to questions faster than you might find on your own.

Choose the method that works best for you.

Here is a list of questions that you can ask yourself while eating mindfully.

Reflect Before You Eat:

Reflect after you eat